Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Appreciate What You Have!

I saw this and laughed. Funny that we never know what someone else is thinking or even going through. 

remember being away on a girls weekend and one girl would run every morning. I just layed on the couch and would think man why aren't I motivated. She had abs. She was solid. I mean amazing fit body. I was thinking wow she is so devoted and healthy to later find out she had an eating disorder. We never know someone's situation. 

We all want what we don't have. We all look at someone and think they have the life when reality they have their own demons to deal with. Let's all just stop. I know it's hard. But stop and be happy with what you see in the mirror and for all you have around you! Because reality is someone is looking at you and wishing they had something you have. 

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