Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Back To School Blues...

One more day and back to the grind. I see so many parents looking forward to back to school. Tonight I finally broke down and said to my husband it's so hard to console my 7 year old when I too do NOT want her to go back to school. He looked at me and laughed. No really I said. It's just too much work for me.

Homework, lunches, snacks, after school activities, weekend sports, Sunday morning choir. Ugh it's a lot of running around, trying to juggle dinner, kids being in two different schools across town from one another, baths, homeowner, projects, bedtime routine. All of it! 

Now the only thing I worry about is what bathing suit to put on them, snacks and a change of clothes. I know I sound like I am whinning and I sort of am but I like having my kids with me. I like summer vacation when I can call and check on them. I love that they too love being with me. 

I need to pull it together and get one big calendar and map out our next couple of months and how I will feed them all inbetween them. Full mommy duty. I know what you're thinking not so much fun. It's not but no one tells you this when you are trying to have a baby. No one tells you that school would be so much work for the parents too. 

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