Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Everyone Needs A Time Out

It's funny I can't seem to move past being dissapointed we aren't taking a family Summer vacation this year. It's not about money, my husband started a new job and has no time. It's funny that people see me posting stuff out and about with my children and it should be enough. But it's about taking the break from work and daily duties and sitting back and enjoying your kids as a family. 

Getting up early and going to the beach. Taking naps in the afternoon. The warm breeze on your skin. Not clocking into work and meeting deadlines. It never bothered me really until recently and I needed to do something to shake it. 

So How Do You Get Over It:
I wanted to book more day stuff on weekends and day trips. Last Sunday we were going to take the kids out and instead I said let's just go to the pool.  It was amazing. We layed out and I just felt that we should take that time and soak up the sun together, as a family. 

So even if you can't take a week off to do what you normally do. Cancel plans and take a time out. My husband got to enjoy the kids and we didn't have to punch a clock or be anywhere. We had lunch inside my parents house with my family and hung out again by the pool after. It was a nice break 

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