Thursday, September 29, 2016

Blue Apron You Rock!

Past year have been contemplating trying Blue Apron and I finally did it and only regret I have is not doing it sooner.

Here's the deal. You select how many meals you want and they ship the day you pick. It comes UNCOOKED but with everything to go with that dish. Recipe cards. Oils (not olive oil) vegetables. Spices. You name it. 

I signed up for three meals a week for two people. I needed a change. I always end up cooking two meals anyway since kids eat same old stuff and am sick of the same boring dishes. I told my husband if I do it he has to try everything I cook. I also have been working a lot more and don't have time to think about dinner and sides etc. Blue Apron does it for me now!

First week I got $40 off. For three meals a week for two people is $60. Comes down to almost $10 a person a meal and shipping is free. 

I got catfish, chicken and shredded beef with all vegetable and spices. I unpacked the box of fresh ingredients and split them up according to the recipe. That way everything night I pulled out a bag and just started cooking. 

They give you a big recipe card to follow. Rinse veggies and chop. You will not believe that in 30 mins I had amazing dishes cooked. Even sides too! Fancy! Like I was at a restaurant. The best part: the kids wanted to try it. My 7 year old ate catfish for first time and loved it. They are learning about different types of foods. It's amazing. I receive my box Monday night (crockpot something Monday) and cook Blue Apron meals on Tuesday, Wed, Thursday. Friday is Pizza night. Weekends we are out.

 Now you can always receive Friday and cook everything Sunday and reheat during the week. You have options. 

Now if you don't like the recipe you have scheduled to receive you can switch it out. You can also stop whenever you want or pause a week and start up again. 

I LOVE to cook. I hate to plan when I am already juggling after school schedules for three kids. Trust me you will love this! 

Learn more here:

BTW:Soon I will be getting free meals to send out. Message me if you're interested in trying. I have my extended family already interested since I keep making them a bowl to sample.

Example of Recipe Card:

So excited for next week's package!

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