Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Calling All Disney Lovers!

Are you a Disney Lover? Do you love sharing your ideas? Do you know the best places to eat, where to see the characters, and want to share your love and tips for Disney with readers? Well now's your chance! 

The Disney Parks Moms Panel is looking for Disney lovers to share advice to guests looking to plan their ultimate Disney getaway. The search is on for new panelists who can answer questions in any of the four languages: English, Spanish, French, or Portuguese.

How to Apply:
**Disney Parks will accept applications for the 2017 Disney Parks Moms Panel from noon EDT on September 7, 2016, through noon EDT on September 14, 2016. to enter. The application process includes a series of written questions and essays in the first round; additional questions and essays along with a video submission in Round 2; with the final round being a phone interview. Applicants selected to be panelists for the Disney Parks Moms Panel will be announced in January 2017. Those selected must be available to attend a training session at Walt Disney World® Resort in December 2016.   

**The Disney Parks Moms Panel information has been provided by Disney Parks.

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