Thursday, September 22, 2016

Fitbit Challenge: Holy 10,000 Steps

So 10,000 steps is not easy to accomplish especially when you work from home BUT I did reach it all except for one day and I just didn't have it in me to push so in four days I took 39,874 steps. I am impressed with myself. I love how it vibrates when you hit 10,000 steps. It's like hooray now sit down. I am actually doing this challenge with my sisters it's funny. I definitely have motivated them to move more. They kick my butt some days but hey I am a beginner. It's funny throughout day we text our step updates.

I found myself being that lady who bounces around while cooking dinner or while kids are in the bath to add steps to my total. It's pretty funny. If by late afternoon I am not close to my goal I will play some basketball. I will admit my back does hurt but I feel firmer. Funny the price we pay- firmer but now back pain. I just can't win! 

A little FitBit humor to make you laugh. 

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