Tuesday, September 27, 2016

FitBit Challenge: Neck To Neck

My older sister and I are in heavy competition mode. I am not a good competitor I don't like competing BUT this time we are having fun with it and if I can lose some weight doing it so be it.

I stopped by her house this morning and she's already a thousand steps ahead of me. Man I have to get moving. We bring our two youngest to Costco. Racing down the aisle. Fighting over who will go to the back of the store to get an item we forgot. Not sure how we don't have a television show already.  

This afternoon I go to my parents to get my children. I am only at 7700 steps. My goal is 10,000. I am hoping in place ringing the doorbell and she sees me in the window. She starts jogging in place. 

I say I am going to play some basketball with my oldest to get some exercise and my sister steps in. It's on! All of a sudden her wrist vibrates. She reaches 10,000 I am trailing behind. Competition is one. I hit 10,000 steps in 19 mins of playing Basketball and we are a sweaty mess. 

I am still trailing behind her but have surpassed my goal and am at 11846 steps. Just now I check her and I am trailing behind. 

Guess I will be waking in my sleep...our steps saw far this week. 

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