Monday, September 26, 2016

Hi George...

A neighbor down the road has a pig. We don't know his name. One day we were driving by and spotted him. My 3 year old loves Peppa Pig so she named him George- after peppa's brother, the name stuck. 

We drive by at least once a day and stop to see George. It doesn't matter what mood we are in once we pull up to the House we roll down the window and scream "Hi George". It has this little plastic pig toy and in the Summer on a hot day we joked that he shrunk. Sometimes it isn't outside and we say he must be sleeping. 

So why I am making a big deal about this pig? 

Well because something so little can create a bond and memory with you and someone else. Something so silly can make you pause for a second and smile and enjoy life. We all need moments like these. We have these moments everytime we see George and sometimes I take that extra route o the way home just to drive by and see him because it makes us all feel good and his tail wags too so he must enjoy it too. 

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