Thursday, September 15, 2016

It's All About The Marketing...I Get It

One thing I tell always my clients is that it's always easier to sell a product verse a service. As many of them are now finishing their books to sell it's always great to review my Marketing tips to push their products and share my advice with other companies and you my readers. 

1- It's all about your product: Have an amazing product then most likely it will sell on its own! You just have to be passionate about it and have your sales team be passionate about it to too! When people feel your passion they become passionate about what you're selling too. It's all about your pitch. 

2-Know your Market! You can't sell the same product to different target groups all of the time. Do your research. Starbucks will not do well in a lower income community but will do awesome on Greenwich Ave-just an example. I will never forget that one woman executive said to me business is simple. Put your people in the right element and they will sell things!

3-Social Media: It's FREE MARKETING. Do it. Promote on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn. Connect with YOUR network. I do this for clients everyday. It's time consuming but that's why you pay someone like me to do it for you. Do giveaways. Do Twitter parties. Do #hastag parties. It's endless possibilities and it's free. The reach is amazing. People talk and like to share reviews. Ask for them! People are ALWAYS on socia media. 

I have been doing Marketing, PR, Event Planning, Social Media and Advertising for over ten years. I love it, I get it. It's fun and my favorite thing to do for clients. 

Have questions email me! 

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