Monday, October 3, 2016

Is It Time To Reconnect?

I reconnected with a friend over the weekend. It's probably been almost two years since we have spoken or seen eachother. I didn't have bad feelings towards her. We both just let our friendship fade away and didn't fight for it. At the time our lives were completely focused on two different things and directions. 

It was nice to put that past us. It was nice to hang like old times. 

Past couple weekends I have seen people from past experiences and it's nice to know there's no bad blood, nice to see how people are doing. 

It makes you think that we are all connected and meet for a reason. We are all in someone's  life for a reason. Never close ties with anyone. And if you miss someone or want them in your life reach out. 

She reached out to me and it was nice. I didn't say no. Have someone in your life you want to reconnect with? What's stopping you!

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