Friday, October 28, 2016

That's What Friends Are For

My daughter wanted her dad to take her to her harvest dance tonight at her school.  He could enjoy a room full of kids running around I thought!  So instead of being bitter about not being chosen to go I was a good mom and still had them bring in something for the bake sale.

He sent me a picture of the table and it had my cupcakes for sale for 50 cents less than the others. Of course I text my girlfriends there with their kids a little offended in a childish way. I mean some cupcakes were super cool but mine were still pretty creative. Within minutes my friends text me this picture.

I couldn't help but smile! Having my back
And buying my cupcakes. Love these girls more than they know. 

It's always great to have friends who know just want to do to make you smile. Those are the ones you must always hold on to!

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