Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Write It Down, Start Today!

Readers let's do a project. It's a group effort. Make a list of everything you are grateful for. Even if it's something silly like "I am grateful for ice cream or Friday". Make a list of 10 items. If you can do more awesome.

Now make a list of all the things you want or think you deserve. Example I wanted new clients this year and to hire people. I said it over and over again. 

Finally everyday look at these list. Read them out loud or to yourself. Believe truly believe in them. Picture having them. Smile reading all that you are grateful for. 

Lastly send me a message when they come true. Please do!

See it's the power of believing. Sending out to the universe what you want and being grateful for all you have. 

This year my goal was to get more clients and hire someone to help me. I just hired my third subcontractor today. It's empowering and you hold that power. 

It can happen. Trust me!

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