Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Stuff A Cruiser Event Saturday Dec 2nd In Norwalk

'Tis the season to give back. On Saturday Dec 2nd from 12-8pm
Norwalk Police Officers will be collecting toys at Toys R Us in Norwalk. 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Pie Face Game...So Much Fun!

I know I know I may be a year behind. I had friends scoping out all the stores looking for this game last year but I finally got around to buying it and it's so much fun!

Perfect to do before kids bath time. The girls had a blast playing and I will be buying it for all the other little ones in my family this holiday season. 

Friday, November 25, 2016

Black Friday vs. Cyber Monday

Cyber Monday was definetly a mom's idea who felt left out on Black Friday!

Thursday, November 24, 2016

NYC It's Like No Other Place

No matter how many times I visit New York I am always in awe. I act like its my first time and take pictures of the skyline and lights and buildings. The energy is unreal. The eye is so satisfied because it is constantly entertained. Buildings you wouldn't think to look twice at has a hidden gem in it. It's nuts. 

Last night my sister treated me to our yearly holiday night to see Jo Koy at Caroline's on Broadway. So much fun. We laughed so much our face hurt. I smiled the whole night. Being care free. Sorry also child free helps contribute to it. But honestly to get out and have an "adult" night is so good and well needed. 

When was the last time you did?

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

I hope you had an amazing Turkey day! To 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Easy Thanksgiving Goodies

Anything easy and creative always grabs my attention. These are super cute and easy to do. 

Source: Instagram Cntdelmar 

Source: Instagram Foodydiy 

Gobble Gobble Gobble Turkey Day Is Coming

I loveeeee Thanksgiving. I actually went into labor 8 years ago on Thanksgiving. So it will always be extra special for me. 

This Thanksgiving be sure to give thanks. Thanks for the bad times- it helped make you stronger. Thanks for the good times- it gave you hope. Thanks for the amazing people in your life- they help motivate you to keep going!

Thank You Readers. I write for you!

Monday, November 21, 2016

It's That Time Of Year: Black Friday Deals

Who doesn't enjoy shopping? Now you can beat the lines by preparing ahead of time. Check out what your favorite stores have in place for their Black Friday Deals!

Happy Shopping!

Choose To Be At Peace

This year has been rough. Work has been amazing. My children have excelled so much. I am grateful for that. There has been a lot of stress I have had to deal with either though it hasn't been something I directly had control over. 

When I was younger I was a "free spirit". I definitely was a hippie in my past life. I loved life and flowers and peace and painting. I was calm and collected. A lot didn't bother me. Things through the years changed. This past year has been a blur. Really feel like we just had Christmas. As if maybe I was some sort of walking zombie through it all. 

No more. I woke up and saw something that brought me back to my "free spirit" years. I knew I needed a change. No more stress. No more drama. No more walking zombie. 

I choose peace. Now it doesn't mean stuff isn't still going to happen? Yes but really so out of my control that I need to regroup and find myself again. My true self. 

So with that all being said sorry I haven't been on as often as I like. I hate to be a hypocrite to "do as I say not as I do". I am ready to say goodbye to 2016. I am ready to welcome a better mind set. 

Join me and letting it all go. Choose to be at peace. It feels good!

Sunday, November 20, 2016

UBS Thanksgiving Day Parade In Stamford Today

It's a windy day! Not sure if they will have big character balloons up but parade will still take place.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Kidville in Westport Deal On Groupon

Looking for something fun to do with your little one or a fun gift that a family member could use? Kidville in Westport is your home away from home. The staff is super amazing. The place is always clean and decorated for the seasons. The open gym play is always layed out differently so you and your little one never get bored. For years I read reviews as to where to take my kids. Once I found this place I never looked again. Trust me you'll feel the same way!

Check out this great deal they have on Groupon

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Perfect Potato Guide

Source: Mommy Scape on Instagram

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Do You Have A Little Explorer?

This is perfect for your little explorer. They can receive this monthly and learn about different countries and customs around the world. Really love this idea!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Cupcake Charlie's Falmouth Mass

We kept googling places to visit on our way to the Cape and Cupcake Charlie's kept popping up. We decided to walk on Main Street to shop and sure enough right in the beginning we see the sign. 

We parked close to it and I decided to pop in on way back so cupcakes stayed fresh in car ride home. 

Talk about Amazing!! It's even fun inside. Simple yet fun. Like you can't walk out angry because it's bright and smells good. 

"Life is Short...Eat a Cupcake"

I bought their Peanutbutter cupcake and Twix cupcake. Both amazing! Cupcakes $3.25 each and worth every penny!

Random Acts Of Kindness

Giving doesn't always mean giving something tangible. Try doing these with your children this holiday season!

Remember you get what you give!

It's Good To Take A Time Out

I went with four of my mommy friends to Cape Cod this weekend for a quick getaway. It was so awesome to take a time out from everyday life and duties and focus on yourself. Bonding with other women makes you look at life in a different light. You see how the things that bother you are so common among other people. When you open up you realize that you aren't alone, that these stresses of life are common being a mom, wife, trying to find what you need to be happy and what you need to deal with certain things in your life. 

"People are either a lesson or a blessing in your life" these women are definitely a blessing and my stomach still hurts from laughing so much with them. These are the type of people you hold on to and memories you cherish. 

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Turkey Craft For Kids

Elbows, glue, cardboard. Love simple yet adorable craft ideas to do with the kids. How cute would these be at every place setting at Thanksgiving!

Source: Iheartcraftythings in Instagram

Happy Veteran's Day

Thank you to all who have served and continue to serve this country!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Go Out and Vote!

I wasn't going to vote. I really wasn't. Then it hit me it's a privelage to vote. Women couldn't vote in the past and I am a mom of three girls. I teach them about equality and rights and no gender rules apply to anything in life. I had to do it for them! So I stopped working, left the house in what I was wearing and voted.

Regardless of who you choose, go out and vote!

Companies Offering Perks For Voting Election 2016

Get out and Vote is even encouraged and praised by local stores and companies that are offering perks for wearing your "I Voted" sticker. Check this out and be sure to wear your sticker with pride.

Here Are the Companies Offering Freebies, Discounts to Voters on Election Day

Voting Day!

Today's the day! A new president will be elected. Whether who you choose, I think we all can agree on one thing: we need a CHANGE and hopefully whoever gets chosen can make positive change happen!

Below is a fun article on who celebrities are voting for today and why:
Do you and your favorite celebrity have something in common?

Trump vs. Hillary: Who Are Celebs Voting For?

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Comparing Candidates: Who Will Be Our Next President

Regardless of your views a new president will be chosen this week. Now if you are like my peers you will agree there are many things that we aren't too happy with these candidates. It's almost like picking who ever isn't worse. I know,I know,that is my opinion. But before you vote really take the time and educate yourself on their beliefs and changes they  want to make. Below are some good easy polls that tell you what each candidate is in favor of!

Winter Farmers' Market Opens Saturday Nov 12th

You don't have to say goodbye to the Westport Farmers' Market. Now you can enjoy their winter one on Saturdays. 

The Panic Room November Deal

I have yet to try this but have friends who have and loved it. It reminds me of a live game of "Clue". If you and your friends like mysterious adventures then check this out!

Turn Back The Clocks Reality...

This changing the clock mess isn't really fun. See young children do not think "oh let me wake up an hour different" they think "oh wow I used to wake up at 5:30 now will wake up at 4:30". No lie!

We have been up since 4:30. So what does a Mom do while trying to convince the kids to not actually get out of bed? Put on their favorite movies while I online shop. I don't actually purchase. I just look up stores I want to pop in over the week. 

Don't laugh you know you do it as well. That "let's see what's on sale online". After 45 minutes you don't want to pay for shipping so you figure you'll stop at the store. 

So Happy Sunday All! I envy those who actually got to benefit from the extra hour of sleep as for me; I am hoping they go to bed an extra hour earlier. 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Craft Fair In Westport CT

Shopping for Charity-sign me up!

If you haven't had a chance to go today be sure to check this out tomorrow. They have 175 top craft artists from CT and across the country too. Funds raised by the League are given local charitable organizations. 

Location: Staples High School In Westport

Learn More Here:

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Left Over Candy Solution

What to do with leftover halloween candy? It's simple and you don't need to be talented to do this!

Source: Food Network on Instagram