Monday, December 26, 2016

No Santa Didn't Bring You A Xbox 1 & It's Ok

My eight year old asked for an Xbox 1. Therefore all season long her little sisters said they wanted one too. Every Santa they met they all said they wanted the Xbox and no Santa didn't bring it and here's why...

We live in this society that we are easily influenced by our surroundings, trends, fads. Not sure where my daughter even saw one but when she made a list I asked her why. She said it's fun mom. I asked what game would be appropriate for her to play with her little sisters and she couldn't answer it. She also put a Barbie dream house on her list. 

Now here's the comparable views on these two gifts:

The Barbie dream house enforces imaginable play. You use your creativity and play. You stimulate the brain to use a part of it that you do not use all the time. Now with this all being said I have nothing against parents who bought a gaming device for their children. Mine are too young. I still have a year or two before the gaming devices take over my household. We already have a Wii. We also already have iPads and tablets and computers that they use. I can monitor what they do on them and I have downloaded educational apps. 

Christmas Eve my husband said you know she will be disappointed when she doesn't get it. So Santa wrote her and her sisters a note. The note said they have been good and they hope they like everything they got. It also said whatever they didn't receive they will get next year. 

My daughter opened her Barbie dream house and freaked with excitement. My husband set it up and the kids played with it. I asked her if she was upset she didn't get an Xbox and she said no and that Santa said maybe next year she will get the other things on her list. 

I stood strong by my decision so much that I said to my husband if Santa surprises us with one I will walk out Christmas morning. Is that the right approach? No! But I am entitled to have them hang on to their youth for as long as they can and I can encourage them to use imaginary play for as long as they can too. 

We will see what next year will bring but for now I am proud of myself for sticking to my decision and to be honest I think my little girls are too!

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