Sunday, December 18, 2016

Pageant Is Over... I Can Now Relax and Cry

I know kids will be kids but they are my kids and well I always get a little anxious when they are involved in something. My kids are 2, 3 1/2 and 8. Of course the little ones want to do what their big sister does. 

So last week at rehersal my two year old puts on a costume and marches down the aisle during practice. Then she shouts my name and runs back and forth. Practice was canceled yesterday due to snow so that meant only one more rehersal would take place the morning of the Christmas pageant. 1 hr before show time. 

I turn to the director and say I don't want the little one in the pageant. I am nervous she will run up and down the aisles too much. Her reply"so what she will be fine"

My stomach hurt but she was right. So what. She's two. She can get away with it. Needless to say everyone cracked up at her pageant moves running after her big sister to hold her hands and coming back again infront of a packed church. I was super stressed and my husband turned to me and said stop they are fine. After he was right. Just then I notice my oldest daughter joined her Chior on stage. I didn't know she was going to.  Tears filled my eyes. My babies are amazing. The rest of the day I was in awe of these three confident little girls who are mine. 

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