Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Rest In Peace My Sweet Sam!

When I was in 9th grade I went to Florida with my best friend. We flew alone and stayed at her grandparents house. They had this dog named Sam who had twiggy rough fur and a bark that would wake the neighborhood. When we would sneak in her grandparents house after hanging with her Cousins my best friend would make me pet him so he would stop barking. 

Of course when my husband brought me a male dog 10 years later I had to name him Sam. My Poor Sweet Sammy died today and I am heartbroken. 

My Sam didn't have twiggy rough fur but he did have a big loud bark for a tiny long haired chihuahua. He fit in my hand for months then his love for food caught up with him so he grew fast. People couldn't believe he was a chihuahua. He was 12 1/2 years old. 

He came into my life before my children did. He was like my child. He was always by my side and waited to die until I got home to be with him. 

I never understood dog people. I mean I had two dogs but some people treat dogs better than humans. Now I get it. Sammy always was loyal to me. He was so great to my girls and gentle. I kept telling him what a great boy he was and I loved him. Once we agreed to put him down he died within seconds. My heart aches my husband and kids ache. We lost a member of our family. Now I get it dog people. 

Rest in peace my sweet Sammy Boy!

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