11 Years Ago Today...

11 years ago today my grandmother passed. It was pretty dramatic for me. I worked in the hospital at the time so I was able to run upstairs and see her before she literally passed away.

She had breast cancer for years. Her oncologist was an amazing doctor but couldn't do more than keep her comfortable. So last time I saw her she was on morphine and if you don't believe in life after death then watch someone pass away. It's pretty intense and spiritual. I truly believe in an after life after that experience. 

I always admired my grandmother but she held on to not passing until I closed on my house. I know sounds silly but I thanked her for not passing on my closing day. The next day is when she died. 

Every year since strange events took place on the day she died. For years an old lady would come to my door and ring my door bell during the day. I never answered it. So today I go to take a picture of my kids and see a shadow in the background. Then one of their balloons kept hitting me in the head and the stopped and lastly I cut my orange and found the shape of a heart. 

Thanks Nonna for stopping by!

Mommy Hair Humor

I am not going to lie I never understood how people left the house looking like they did until I became a Mom of Three. Sometimes I walk out wondering if I brushed my hair or even looked in the mirror.