Build Friendships Through Every Stage of Life

Last night was our monthly ladies dinner and we celebrated my awesome friend's birthday too. She's not much of a drinker but said after dinner she would have one drink. I wanted to treat her to a chocolate martini but since one place was closed we headed next door. She settled for a Malibu and once the manager spotted her birthday crown he sent over a glass of champagne. It was a group of six of us  that chatted, laughed and connected. I still was under the weather so left early.

I tossed and turned alot in bed and kept thinking how great it was to have a group of women in my life. They are my mommy group pals but really have my back and love my children a lot. It's amazing the friendships you build as an adult. You hold on and cherish the friendships you grew up with and don't think you can have a connection so deep with new friends later in life but it does happen. 

The key to this is no matter what point in your life you are,connecting with others does happen and is so important. I always say there's always something to learn from another person. 

Open up and connect with others at every stage of your life. This group and I have been close for a couple years now and it's so great and fun to have them in my life.