Wednesday, February 24, 2016

When You No Longer Have A Thyroid

Having my thyroid removed has been challenging. At times my body doesn't feel right. I get really tired throughtout the day and my body hurts. I live off Tylenol  and really should be in better shape but with two toddlers and working and trying to keep my kids happy at night I am too tired to move. There's a lot you hear about Hypo and Hyperthyroidism. Some relate to people without a Thyroid and some things do not. Living without a Thyroid? Then check this article out.  

What Happens When You Have No Thyroid?

Defend Yourself

She's my first born and my seven year old love of my life. I am super over protective of her. She made me a Mom. She's my life. 

She got into a little fight at school yesterday "Mom he pushed me so I pushed him back. He had to know how it felt. I felt better after ". Ugh I thought here is starts. She's in second grade and an amazing girl. The thought of someone pushing her made me see black but I knew I had to keep calm. My first reaction was to call the teacher and principal but then I said  "I am sorry that happened to you. How do you feel about it?""oh I am fine. I am glad I pushed him back. I didn't get in trouble. I stood up for myself. The teacher knew that."

I am not a fighter by nature. I have two sisters and have had my share of alterations but I don't believe physical fighting solves anything, unless you are defending yourself and in that case do what you have to do. 

I do believe no one should intimidate anyone. I can't stand bullying. I always had an amazing group of friends and having a twin sister meant I never had to face ANY battle alone. I was lucky I never got bullied or messed around with and if I did it always stopped pretty fast. 

Today my daughter came home from school in a good mood. "How did it go with him today I asked?" "oh fine mom he asked me to be on his team and I said he had to apologize first and he did and now we are fine." 

These things happen. Do we want them to happen? NO! Do I want to keep her safe and with me forever? YES but so far seems like she has things under control.