Saturday, March 12, 2016

Daylight Savings Tonight: Spring Ahead!

Spring Ahead! Don't forget to set your clocks up an hour tonight! 

Here We Go Again...

Oh the joys of life and the tests we go through to see what makes or breaks us. I have had my share in my marriage and friendships and parenthood and just when I think things go up something happens and pushes it back down. Now I am a pretty strong person. I mean I have dealt with Cancer. Dealt with shifts in my life. Dealt with heartaches for loved ones. But what I realized through all of this is that it's all part of life. No obstacle is ever easy. No set back is ever easy to swallow and when you think you're back up something comes along and says NOPE let me test you again.

So here I go again... Another test and no I don't want pitty and nope I can't be bitter but I realized unless you live in a bubble there will always be something. 

After all you can't become strong if everything is perfect!

Put on your crown and handle the obstacles life throws at you!