Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Easter Treat: Cotton Tails

When you think of Easter you think of baskets, egg hunts, Cadbury eggs and Easter bread. Well I came across these white cheddar cheese balls snacks made by UTZ. And just like white chocolate covered Oreos that only comes around the Christmas season well these only come around in my store during Easter. Needless to say I buy bags of them to fulfill my cravings and of course share them with family and friends. Trust me you will be addicted too. Plus they are gluten free- that's me convincing myself it's ok to eat guilt free. Go out and get them! Amazing!

For Best Thyroid Surgical Results Pick A Good Surgeon

When I met with my doctor who diagnosed my thyroid cancer she said if you do what I suggest you do you will live a long healthy life. So I did. I went to Yale New Haven and met with a surgeon who performed Thyroid removals every week. Not month, week. He was so experienced with this that it was second nature to him.  Her advice saved my life.

This article is spot on! This is your life and body. Your survival depends on the experience of the doctor who is performing your surgery. Don't settle! Do your research! You MUST see a surgeon who specializes in Thyroid Surgery!

Article: For Best Thyroid Surgery Results, Pick Doctor With 25-Plus Cases a Year

Picture Source: 

Survival Mode...Unless You're Dying You'll Get Through It

Survival mode. We all go through it. The stages of life that make us and break us. Now I am not one to be down. I love being happy. I actually hate stress. Not sure who loves it but some people like drama and change and well I do not. 

After having my thyroid out I notice whenever I get really upset or stressed out my body shuts down. Literally wants to just sleep. Can't function right. It's pretty scary and pathetic so I try to choose my battles. 

I was talking to a man who has done deep psychology. He made a statement that really stuck with me. When we get into a situation we put ourselves into a survival mode. We either fight, or flight. We stay in and fight or we run from it. We can't just break down and give up. We will survive our bad situations unless it's a death sentence we are facing where we have no choice to give up. 

I am one for stability. I love a routine and a quite simple life. I really do. I don't need a lot to be happy. I am not fancy or need expensive things or need a lot of attention.  So when my life becomes shifted with change and I feel unstability I get into a bit of a panic mode. Then my body shuts down due to stress. I know it's easier said then done but we all have crap in life that shakes us up. But reality is will we survive? YES. Will in time things get better? YES. At the time it's hard to see it. But we humans are like animals. We fight for survival. So don't give up when things shift gears  make a plan and stick to it. Ride it out. Stay strong. Don't break down. Because in the end you will survive.