Sunday, March 27, 2016

What To Do With Leftover Easter Bread? French Toast Casserole

I love Easter bread and this time of year I love how many people give me their bread. However, after a week of taste testing I hate to eat another piece so I made a French toast casserole that sits over night and is super delicious and super easy to make.

What You Need:
Loaf of Easter bread 
8 eggs (I use 6 whole eggs and 2 eggs whites)
1 1/2 cup of milk
2 tablespoons of cinnamon 
2 tablespoons of sugar
1 tablespoon of brown sugar 

Beat eggs and milk together. Slice Easter bread. Spray a Pyrex with Pam oil. Mix cinnamon and sugar together set aside. Layer sliced bread then coat with cinnamon sugar mix. Repeat. Then pour egg milk mixture over. Make sure coats top of bread. Top with brown sugar. Refrigerate over night. Bake at 350 for 30 minutes or until golden brown. Serve with maple syrup and whip cream. 

Happy Easter Buona Pasqua

Happy Easter Everyone! Hoping you have an egglicious day 🐰