Now and Then...Almost 7 Years

When I started this blog my oldest one was 9 months old. I wasn't working and started to play round with blogs and social media. Never did I imagine it would help me with my job being a Virtual Admin or did I imagine my blog would be so much fun. Almost 7 years later I still have fun sharing my thoughts, recipes and tips. Thank you to my readers and thank you to my little ones for inspiring me. 

Want a Happier Life?

Who doesn't like to be happy? Well when life doesn't go the way we plan it's hard to be happy. Check out these tips to help you smile again! "103 Ways To A Happier Life"

Marriages Why Some Work and Others Don't

Divorce is so common. This is a  pretty cool article on why some marriages last vs ones that don't.

Do you agree with the advice they give?

 "One Thing to Look for in a Mate: Advice from Long-Married Elders"