Wednesday, May 11, 2016

It's Finally Flip Flop Weather In CT

Some people are obsessed with purses,some shoes...I am 100% a flip flop girl. 

Spring is finally here and what better way to celebrate by bringing my oldest to get her first pedicure. We went to the salon with intentions to get manicures but with the warm weather I asked if she would like to get a pedicure. She was a little nervous at first saying "Mom it's my first time I am a little scared." After she asked if we could go every week. 

She kept looking at neon greens and I wanted it to be her choice but when I brought out "Jackie O" she was all for it. 

It's the little things that make me happy and help release stress. Take some time to do something to pamper yourself and get out and enjoy the sunshine that has finally arrived in Connecticut!

Cheers to Sunshine and Happy Toes!