Sometimes It's Not About You

We have this impression that when someone is rude to us or upset to take it personal. I know hard not too. Recently a lot of people I know are having marriage problems. Health issues, job loss, stress of kids and money have been taking a toll on these relationships. It's like whoever I sit and talk with has the same issues going on.

Sometimes these people come off angry and rude and sometimes all they need is a hug. I have learned to stop taking things  personal and to teach people that sometimes when someone is rude it's not about you it's about them. 

see it a lot with my daughter. "mom she was so rude to me today or mom he didn't what to play with ME " and the next day they are friends again  well I respond maybe they are having a rough day or dealing with something you don't know about, maybe it doesn't have to do with you. 

Think about times someone snapped at you over something simple and later apologized saying they had a rough day or they were upset over something else. Sometimes when someone is upset they don't need a solution they need a hug. Try not to make it about YOU all the time.