Tuesday, May 31, 2016

90 Day Weight Loss Challenge

Warm weather means healthy eating. Not sure why it always takes me this long to get motivated to get back into shape but guess better later than never.

Today a group of mommy friends and I started our 90 day weight loss challenge. Schools out means getting into shape and with three months to do it I am excited to see who actually meets their goals. 

My goal is to drop a good 15 lbs in 90 days. If I can do more then awesome. I needed a group to motivate me. So with that being said I will be posting some healthy tips that are helping me through this journey. Please feel free to send me messages of tips you would like to share and if you want to join me in this 90 day challenge contact me at mommyct2009@yahoo.com

Cheers to healthy living and hot bodies!

Be Happy It's Good For Your Health

The stress of life will harm you if you let it. Be happy, even through life's downfalls.