Saturday, June 11, 2016

Non-Dairy Homemade Frozen Dessert By Nutty Butty LLC

I tried their dessert at the Westport Farmers Market and it was delicious. Their orange blossom was amazing! They use coconut oil as their base and everything is vegan, and gluten free. Be sure to check them out!

Are You Staying In Your Marriage For Your Kids?

In a recent article I read 

Why Staying Together For The Kids Is Harmful it states clearly that kids are not stupid. Kids feed off the energy they see from their parents. They see these relationships and copy them when it comes to their relationships later in life. Staying together could be harmful in the long run for your children. 

The problem I see a lot and I am not an expert but usually in marriage there's a little bit of recentment that a spouse experiences. The primary care giver takes on a new role and sometimes it's too much. I also see that the children become the full focus in a relationship. The relationship between the parents gets pushed aside. I totally understand how this can happen.

Your true self goes on back burner and you take on this new role and sometimes it's not what you expected. Before you enter a marriage be sure to realize not all good will come along with it. Do pick a companion who brings out the best in you and has mutual goals and expectations out of life. Do pick someone who respects you as a person not a possession. And for the problems that occur before marriage, they will not go away after marriage or after having kids. They just get buried and eventually will make their way to the surface again.