Sunday, June 12, 2016

Port Jefferson Great Family Getaway

My husband asked for a day out with the kids for his birthday. Now traveling any where 30 minutes or more away requires extra work on my part; having a baby in diapers and a toddler recently potty trained as well as a seven year old who doesn't enjoying walking more than she has too adds extra pressure. So he suggested we take the ferry and spend the day at Port Jefferson. Without hesitation I said sure.

Now we have been there before. Just not we all three of them. 

The night before I pack extra clothes, diapers. Prepare bottles and sippy cups. Suntan lotion and sweaters. The next morning we run a little behind schedule and I think let's just get this going. The plus side about having young kids is that you can stuff the stroller with all this stuff without having to actually carry it. 

We arrive at the port in Bridgeport and it's gorgeous out. We get our tickets which is $17 per adult and free for children 12 or younger. The sun is beaming and the wind is strong. The kids beam with delight as the ginormous ferry docks close to them. 

On the dock there's an elevator so makes easy access to the ferry levels. We settle down and kids walk around. We take a break from the sun and walk inside to purchase a snack. The kids are smiling ear to ear. 

We had no plan. I knew there was a boat show and figured we would check out we stopped at some shops. There's a farmers market taking place. Everyone is so friendly. We stop at a burger pub and enjoy lunch. Outside a band is playing. We finish up and down walk around town. It was awesome. Clean. Everyone fairly friendly. All you smell is food which even after lunch stirred up some hunger. 

There are roof top restaurants. Tons of ice cream palors. We stopped by the hotel near the dock  and the kids play in the little grass area. We stopped by the boat show and after hanging out for four hours we head back home. 

It's an easy, kid family outing that really is nice to do. Thinking of a day away then Check it out