Thursday, June 16, 2016

Clean Scans For Me...3 Years Cancer Free

I don't care what type of Cancer you have had, all cancers suck. The feeling you get in your gut when you hear your diagnosis is something no one should have to experience. 

There was a suspicious findings on my neck ultrasound a couple months ago and as I drove to the radiology department in New Haven I couldn't help but get a wave of nausea. Flash backs to driving to Yale for my surgery came back to me. I felt like I was suffocating. Please please let the scans be clear I prayed walking in. Today I went for a follow up scan of my lymph nodes and it's all clear. 

When I drove home I started to cry. The feeling of relief set over me. I couldn't imagine driving home thinking the Cancer came back. 

When I was diagnosed I was 6 months pregnant with my second child. The song "This Girl Is On Fire" was released. It was my song to fight the fight. I heard it driving home followed by "How Wonderful Life Is When You're In The World." 

Those fighting, stay strong through the fight. To the survivors I hope one day your brain forgets what you had to go through. Cancer is an enemy that won a lot of battles. Fortunately it hasn't won mine!

Dear Moms You're A Good Mom Even On Your Worse Days

I saw this and it's so true! The roller coaster ride of being a Mom. Sometimes you look in the mirror and hate the hot mess looking back at you but reality is we all have these days. You're a GREAT Mom You've got this...

Do You Really Need 10,000 Steps A Day?

Exercise is key to staying healthy. While it should be a priority it isn't always easy to accomplish with busy schedules. Try adding extra steps in your day and it's amazing the results you will see. 

Article: How Many Daily Steps Do You Really Need for Better Health?​