Saturday, June 25, 2016

It's Not A Gender Thing

I grew up in a family of girls. My dad never said we couldn't do anything due to our gender. If anything he pushed us to be more independent and not take crap because of our gender. 

Now being a mom of three girls it bothers me when I hear references based on gender. Nothing gets under my skin more than when people reference to my kids for their gender. "Wow she runs fast for a girl" "wow she can hit for a girl" "boys don't throw too hard shes a girl" "wow she's tough for a girl" Her private parts have no factor in her speed, stregthen or what she is capable of doing. 

My daughter said I want boy clothes. Really like what I asked. Star Wars, adventures etc... This past week I did some shopping and brought her some of these things I found in the girl sections. They weren't all glitter and girly. They just happen to fit her built better than boy shirts. She said wow mom you really listened to me. 

My daughter is a pretty awesome baseball player. She's refusing to play softball. "Why mom I like hitting baseballs and like my league". So we kept her on. She had tryouts today since she isn't 8 yet to do a league with 8 to 10 years olds over the summer. She rocked it. 

One night after a game she came home and said I wish I was a boy. Why I asked. Well when I got on base some kid on 2nd asked if I was a girl and when I said yes he laughed. I responded don't listen to him. He was just shocked you can hit better then him. 

We as parents need to stop the gender labels. Every person is different and unique based on their personality not their gender. 

Whether boys are girls. We need to teach kids that there are NO restrictions just because of their gender. 

This corporate glass ceiling everyone has in their head has made people believe in the United States men have an advantage over women. They don't. They only do because we let them.  I have met and worked for many successful woman CEOs. Women who run their own business. Women you have succeeded despite their gender. 

Stop the labeling. We now live in a society where we have transgender bathrooms. We live in  Society where a woman will be our President one day. Gender no longer should play a factor in life.