Thursday, July 7, 2016

Pesto Recipe

I love pesto. I love the smell of it. I love it in salads, on sandwiches, cold and hot pasta. Get the point.

It's sooo easy to make and delicious. Here's what you need:

2 cups of basil leaves-washed 
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
1 tablespoon of grated parmigiana
1/2 tablespoon of salt

Fill a blender with Basil. Pour half of the oil. Add cheese and salt. Blend. Add other half of oil and blend some more. You get about 3 tablespoons of pesto sauce BUT a little goes a long way. Chill it and serve on anything you like. I actually tripled the recipe and made a pound of pasta and still have more than half left over in fridge. You can also fill up a ice try with it and freeze sauce into cups. Enjoy!

Stop Fighting It: Accept Your Life

If I had a dollar for everytime I heard "I have a love hate relationship with my life" I would be one wealthy lady. We all want what we don't have and all think the grass is always greener on the other side. Reality is when you give up the fight you learn to love your life. 

Having kids is extremely bitter sweet. It's amazing and it's work. We all look to gain more and try to think there has to be an easier way. The house is always a mess. You are constantly cooking and feeding someone. You look at the clock and count down to bed time. One night when the kids were all alseep I thought wow when will this get easier. Reality is it doesn't. You change but things don't. You have to come to grasps that this is your life. That whatever situation you are in you somewhat created it so need to put all the BS aside and just enjoy it. 

Stop trying to find yourself. Stop thinking it will get better. You need to embrace the situation you're in. Whether single, divorced, married, a parent, childless, jobless etc...this is your moment and destiny. Embrace it. 

Think back from ten years ago. What did you want? What did you wish you had? What did you envision your future life would be like? As we dwell on stuff the clock ticks and the moments pass you bye. This moment you're in right now will eventually change. Always thinking of tomorrow means you're not enjoying today. 

Stop Fighting It. Stop being your worst enemy. Things don't get easier. You learn to just let certain things go!