Have A Little Fun

I finished working and the air warmed up. I filled up the pool. Put the kids in their bathing suits. Ordered a pizza and took out the beach mat. Pizza Friday turned into Pizza Picnic. After all isn't Summer about being outside, running around in a wet bathing suit and having some fun!

It's the little things. Nothing too crazy or expensive. Just be creative and let your kids be kids. 

Happy Friday All!

A Mess Filled With Love

I looked down at a red light and laughed. This was my life. Summarized in a moment in my car. Center console. Balancing the life with two toddlers and a pre-preteen who thinks she's a teen. It actually made me smile. I texted the picture to my sisters and mom. "This is my life with the girls." And their response couldn't have been better!

"It's a mess filled with love ❤️"