Sunday, July 24, 2016

Fun Craft With Paper Towel Rolls

I love doing crafts and I have been collecting toilet paper and paper towel rolls for our fireworks craft I posted last month. We have a ton and I found this new fun craft on Pinterest. 

Castles! Perfect for my girls. My goal is to attempt this week. What crafts do you recommend to do with empty rolls? Let me know and I will test them out with my girls. 

Stop Chasing The "Joneses"

I see this a lot now that my daughter is older. Parents and peers trying to keep up with competition. Doing and following what other families and parents are doing and saying and I personally want NO part of it. 

I don't do well with competition. Growing up I was never a jealous or competitive person so the minute I feel an urge to compete or someone is competing with me I back away and detach myself from that person.  It brings out the ugly in people and personally doesn't make me feel or look good. 

So being a parent can suck sometimes. I get it. Your children start to compare themselves to others and want what others have and personally I don't see it a lot in my kids yet because my husband and I don't do it. Parents stop trying to keep up with the "Jones". Stop trying to be something you are not. It's ok to NOT follow the pack. It's ok to live within your means. It's ok for your kids to not have and do what other families have and do. It's life. They will learn the lesson now or later. 

Vacations. Trips. Gear. Toys. Give it up. We can't always do what others do so don't expect to copy and do it.

The number one reason couples fight is money. It ruins marriages. It's hard to avoid it. Trust me I know. But if you're neighbor is doing something and you can't let it go. Stop competing with yourself. People see through it. Be you. It's ok. 

I have a strong fun mommy group of friends. We are always pushing advice and tips and suggestions to one another. We have different level of incomes and careers. We have NO competition. We praise each other. We hurt when someone hurts. It's real. We don't always agree and it's good. Find those types of friends and peers. Those are the type of friendships you need in your life.