Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Lesson In Life

It's sad to know how true this is. But look at yourself and then look at those around you. Whether intentionally or unintentionally this will happen. I have done it. You have done it. Those we love have done it to us and others. What we really need to focus on is not repeating the same mistakes. Be good to others and they will be good to you. 

Pancakes 3 Ways, Let's Get Creative

What's for Dinner? I had no clue. Was just me and the two little ones so figured what's fun and easy to make: Pancakes. Of course I needed to add a twist: Three Ways! Plain, Banana and Blueberry! Now here's the secret twist for the Banana and Blueberry add cinnamon and sugar to batter. 

Here's what I do:

Mix any pancake mix you like. I use bisquick. Divide the batter. 

Add cinnamon and sugar mixture (equal parts of each in a container, I always have this in the cabinet) to one bowl with regular batter. Other batter keep plain and use for making plain pancakes. 

Now divide cinnamon mixture batter into two bowls. Mash two bananas in one bowl. Pour half cup of blueberries in the other one.  Pancakes will look lumpy but cook on low heat and will come out perfect. 

Start pouring and flipping. Amazing. 

I serve with whip cream and syrup. The banana pancake taste like a banana foster. They are super filling. I can not eat more than one. The blueberries in the blueberry pancakes pop in your mouth. Delicious! Enjoy!

Creative Minds: Let Your Children Use Their Imagination

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living; it’s a way of looking at life through the wrong end of a telescope. Which is what I do, and that enables you to laugh at life’s realities." Dr. Seuss