Saturday, July 30, 2016

Go To Bed With A Smile

At the end of the day you need to be able to go to bed with a smile. Regardless of the decisions you make for yourself or your kids. If you can go to bed happy then all the decisions of the day were worth while.

If you can't then tomorrow is another day to get it right. 

Sleep Well My Friends!

The Best Food Trucks in Fairfield County: Did Your Fav Make The List?

The food truck industry has skyrocketed over the past couple of years. Now most of your favorites can be purchased from a food truck. Pizza, tacos, crepes, lobster rolls...Meals on wheels has a whole new meaning. 

Check out this fun list. What trucks have you tried? Has your favorites made the cut?

10 of the Best Food Trucks in Fairfield County

Children Protect Your Heart: The Love Of Baseball

Whenever your child decides to do a sport we would never think it could cost them their life. We think it's encouraging team building, social skills and benefiting from Exercise but their life never. 

My daughter's favorite position is catcher. A couple of games I had parents come up to me and say wow did you freak when that bat came near her or thank goodness that ball did bounce back. It does make me a little nervous. At her last game a ball popped up and hit a kid in his chest. He was fine but I told my husband I was starting to get nervous and wanted her to wear more protection especially for her heart. He told me they have shirts with padding gear to protect the upper body. 

A store in our area was going out of business I go and find a "heart protector" this shirt has a shield in it to protect the heart. A few days later I received an article from the Babe Ruth Baseball Little League that a child went into cardiac arrest after a ball bounce up and hit side of his heart. It's every parent's nightmare. What is suppose to be a fun, team building, experience could turn tragic ending. Luckily the boy end up getting out of the coma and survived thanks to a brave teammate who performed CPR as soon as injury happened. 

Parents protect your kids. There is gear out there for under $50 that will safe their life. Accidents happen. No one is to blame. But it's our duty as parents to do whatever we can to keep them safe.