Monday, August 8, 2016

Let Your Children Play With Their Imagination

We cannot easily teach imaginary play but we sure can encourage it.

My name changes constantly. Mommy this will be your new name. I never know if they are calling me or playing house. They run inside and strip down to put on their dress up clothes. 

It's time to let your children's minds run free. Imaginary play. It's priceless. Let them transfer into whatever is running wild through their minds. After all reality isn't always as enjoyable. Watching them sing and dance and use creative play is a priceless effort that helps build their character!

Positive Feedback Matters Too

We are always quick to complain about stuff and give negative comments and feedback that it feels good to give acknowledgment when someting positive happens. I always try to give positive feedback and it's pretty cool to see when it gets recongnized and appreciated. My quote for an amazing 5 week summer program my daughter who was having some speech issues participated in:

Stamford Restaurant Week Aug 26-Sept 4th

Save the date: Stamford Summer Restaurant Week will be Aug 26th-Sept 4th 2016.

I love restaurant week. Gives you a great reason to try out a new restaurant for an awesome price.

Check out the restaurants that will be participating: