Thursday, August 18, 2016

One Of Those Nights...

Ice cream is always a great way to end the night right! 

Last month I had the please of checking out the factory and the ice cream was amazing. Today at the grocery store I decided to treat myself to some rich, gooey Ben and Jerry Ice cream- I can justify my decision because it was on sale. 

Chocolate, Peanutbutter, Fudge...yum! I mean I am no simple vanilla ice cream kindof chick. When I eat ice cream I like the good stuff- filled with complex flavors. The more in it the happier I am. My all time favorite: black raspberry with peanut butter sauce, hot fudge and marshmallow- trust me amazing!

Which flavors do YOU prefer?

To All Kids Starting College...

College is bittersweet. It really is. It doesn't matter what type of life you had in Highschool when you get to college it's like starting over.

My best advice to any child going to college is this:
The first two weeks will suck. Yep. I have been through it. Seen people and family go through it. All the same reaction: sad, lonely, depressing. BUT then things change. It gets better. Super fun. Super worth it. 

I will never forget my first college. Once I unpacked and my room was setup and everyone left I didn't know what to do with myself. My roommate was awesome but campus was a little boring so I transferred out after my first semester. 
Second college I moved out of my dorm during a huge party. Can you imagine. I must have looked like a huge loser but I just didn't care. 

My sister lived on campus and her roommate moved so she had an open bunk. My roommates where a little flaky and I don't do well with that scene so during a huge party I went up to them  and say it's been fun but I am moving out. My sister and her other roommate come over and we moved out right in the middle of it. Not sure if those girls ever ended up graduating and to be honest was the best decision I made. 

School Package Tip:

One thing I always did for my cousins who started college was send them a huge care package when they first moved in. This actually made them pretty popular on their floor because A) Kids see you walking down hall carrying a huge package it sparks a conversation B) You get so many goodies you will share with everyone so people will come knock on your door or you offer to share the snacks late night when everything else is closed. Genius. I know. It's also a nice way to let the new College Student know you are proud of them and who doesn't like getting goodies in the mail?

College is the last hooray before adulthood so be sure to live it up!

Happy Birthday In Heaven

I was 7 when the movie Dirty Dancing came out. I think the first time I saw it was probably when my attraction for man started. I know sounds funny but ladies you do get me. 

 How many of us dreamed of marrying a bad boy like Patrick Swayze. "Nobody puts baby in the corner!" It was a sexy, intense movie especially for a 7 year old. Rest in peace Patrick Swayze. May you look down smiling at all the girls and women who adored the hell out of you!