Feel Good Song: The Girls by Kings & Cookin' On 3 Burners

Love this song! Every summer I feel like a song represents it. I feel like this is my Summer 2016 song. So fun!

Sometimes Karma Comes Right Back: Instant Karma

I went to pick up my sister and neice at my father's shop this morning. On the way I decided it's been a while since I brought donuts to the kid's gym and the workers are so awesome so I wanted to bring in a treat. I stopped by Dunkin donuts. I called my sister to see who was there and said I am picking up breakfast for everyone. She laughed and said Pop gave her money to treat us to breakfast. So I surpised him still with a breakfast sandwich and donuts for his workers. 

After the gym we went grocery shopping. I saw these small Italian plums and bought a bag for my father. When we went back to pick up my sister's car my dad comes out with a case of bai juice for us he bought when he ran out to Costco. I hand him the bag of plums. We both laughed. We definitely were on the same wave legthen. 

Karma doesn't always happen this fast and sometimes it's the opposite. Like have you ever thought something negative about a person and then tripped. Instant Karma we call it. Today was Instant Good Karma. If feels good to give and good to receive. What situations have you faced that you can relate?

Best Of Gold Coast 2016 Winners

What a great resource for Fairfield County of places to check out. If you had the chance to vote check out if your favorites  made the list. Congrats to ALL the winners.

Best Of Shoreline 2016 Winners

For those who voted check out the results for the "Best Of Shoreline". Which one of your favorites made the list? Congrats to all the winners!