Monday, August 29, 2016

Thanks For Not Being A Spoiled Brat!

I am not going to lie. I know I do a lot with my kids. I know I have a scary amount of energy. BUT I also know that being home with them drives me a little nuts so I enjoy them best when we are out and I can focus on THEM. Not the housework or laundry or dogs going in and out over and over again. I can be focused on them and what they need. 

After the lake we picked up lunch and I brought the two older ones for a Manicure. First time for both, my oldest has done pedicures before. So when we leave I told them let's go for ice cream. I told them to decide where to go. My oldest says could we go home and have the brownie Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Um yeah of course I say. The whole way home I kept thinking how I gave her the option to go anywhere and she chose ice cream we had at home. I was pretty proud of her!

See kids don't have to be brats! It's our job to help bring the best of them! Now can my kids whine and drive me crazy at times. YES, but don't show them experiences out there thinking if you do they will become a brat. Buying them wherever they want and not expecting them to be thankful makes them a brat. 

What Your Kids Draw They Can Now Wear

Imagine being able to walk around wearing the art you drew?! I know so cool. I have seen sights that can make jewelry out of your children's drawings and a teddy bear but now they can also make a dress out of it! Super clever!

Check this out: 

Awesome New Company Lets Kids ‘Wear Their Imaginations’

“Picture This” turns kids’ drawings into dresses!