Saturday, September 10, 2016

Taking It Back To Your Roots

My mom asked if we wanted to go to this concert tonight. She said we would be familiar with their songs and some of the singers. The concert was all in Italian. I asked my husband and he said decision was mine. 

Tonight was the concert and at first I wondered why we came. I didn't feel a connection. Then this song came on: "Te Voglio Bene Assi," at that moment I felt like I was 8 again. Watching my mom cooking and my dad coming in singing with all his mite as my mom blushed from his flirtation. My eyes teared up. I was no longer this mom watching a concert. I was this young girl connecting back to my past and watching my parents, along with an arena of people, connecting with their roots. Like "home," the music was was a reminder for them as they sang along to the music. It was pretty powerful. An awakening.  

Where are your roots from? Have you ever tried to reconnect?

Touch A Truck Event Public Works Oct 1st

I love these Touch-a-truck events. The first time I went I brought my daughter, nephew and my second who was only 5 months old at the time.  I had her in a baby Bjorne and was climbing into these huge tractors. It was so cool. Ever since I have been on to lookout for these events. Most towns hold them. Some have bouncy houses for kids and food trucks. Some charge an entrance fee. Some are stationed at a building. This one asks to bring non-perishable food items so they can donate to the Person to Person Food a Pantry in Norwalk all. All the people working these events are always informative and super nice.