Sunday, September 11, 2016

Happy Grandparent's Day To All The Grandparents

Not sure what I would do without my children's grandparents! They always go out of their way to help with our kids. It's amazing how we have four and all four are helpful.

I hope you took the time to show your appreciation to the grandparents in your today. I saw this craft online and did it with the girls. The grandparents loved it and my girls enjoyed doing it for their grandparents.

Lobster, Steak & Donuts

My cousin and his girlfriend came to visit from Italy. Typical food on my mom's menu when family visits is Lobster and Steak. It's not something they normally get to eat in Italy so my mom and dad make a point to serve it when family comes. 

Everytime my other cousin would visit from Switzerland she would take back donuts with her. So now whenever someone from overseas visits I like to get them donuts. 

They don't have Dunkin Donuts in their cities so I feel it's such an American food item that it's a nice treat for them. I mean afterall who doesn't enjoy lobster, steak and donuts. 

It's funny the things we take for granted and don't realize other countries do not get to experience. 

September Means Fall, Festivals, Foliage &...

Football ugh here we go again. Time to watch TV in the bedroom while your husbands/boyfriends/significant other hogs the TV to watch Football. I was never a fan. The theme song actually really annoys me. Funny I know. 

The ONLY time I enjoy it is live. I love watching Football live at the stadium. Something about the crowd and rush of it, the food and stadium is awesome. Even the field and plays are so much better live...I am sure most of you agree. As for in TV no desire at all. 

Happy 15th Birthday

She's the coolest dog I ever met. If I could make a wish for her it would be that she would live forever. She's so chill and still acts like a puppy at times. She's super smart and really is like my child.

15 years is a long time to have a furry friend. We have had some scares with her in the past and feel like she got a lot of second chances. I hope she gets to stay with us for many more years to come!