Sunday, October 2, 2016

October Is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Be sure to get your mammograms ladies!!!

Holiday Count Down...

Not really sure if this is exciting or depressing! Regardless the holidays are prepared. 

It's Never Too Late To Live Your Life

Every once in a while I read a story that sticks with me. This happens to be one: a story about a woman in her early 90's who is a widow decides to enjoy the last moments of her life verse doing treatments and goes on an adventure of a lifetime. Now if she were younger maybe she would have opted for treatment but regardless she took matters into her own hands and lived the last year enjoying her life. ENJOYING LIFE!

How many of us half her age aren't even really living the life we really want? Makes you think!

The Law Of Attraction...

Source: Instragram: Law Of Attraction 

Everything In Life Is Temporary!

We all go through stuff in life and when it's happening we think we can't get through it and then we do!

I wake up in a great mood. Think today's a good day and I find something. It's like a light bulb goes off and see a "sign" that shifts my happiness to being pissed off. I then pause and think no bring that happiness back. See we all ask (God, spiritual leaders or whatever higher figure you look up to) for signs. For direction. To give us the Stregthen to tackle certain things. Well along that we are getting "signs" but they only work if you listen to them.

So my point is when you ask for guidance look and see the "signs" are there. For years I ignored them. Really I did. Today I won't anymore. 

Pumpkin Picking In Connecticut

Since there's no school tomorrow figured may be fun to go Pumpkin picking. Of course where to go is always the question! 

Now I have been to a lot of farms and love them all but sometimes distance is a factor, sometimes price is a factor, sometimes I like to try someplace new. Regardless how lucky are we to live in an area where we have a TON of places to pick from! 

Check this out and let me know what's YOUR favorite pumpkin patch!

Halloween New England: Connecticut Pumpkin Patches