Touch-A-Truck & Charity Chili Cook Off Nov 6th

You know how I love my Touch-a-Truck events and now all you Chili lovers get enjoy a Sunday out for a good cause!

*Source: Content from Stamford Museum and Nature Center 

Spooky Yet Cute Easy Halloween Decorations

The credit for this goes to the party planner at Kidville in Westport CT. The place is so decked out in super cute Halloween decorations. I could post a ton but decided to limit to my two favorite!

All you need are party streamers! 

NJ Moms-To-Be Mom Expo Nov 6th

To all my New Jersey readers check out this super cute Mom Expo for moms-to-be. They even have a "Man Cave" for all the Dads who come!

Learn more here:

Start Building Yourself

I set goals for this weekend one was redoing my company logo. I am expanding and felt I needed a change. Change starts from within. To get a passion for what you want. For working on YOU. Not what others want for you but for what you want for yourself.

My next huge goal is to get my website up and going. It's been three years that I kept it on the back burner. 

Next is to get my business cards up to date. Holding on to the ones I had doesn't help when I am focusing on change. 

I am attending a business networking group this week to meet people and network. 

Excited for the new adventures ahead. After all it's time to focus on making me happy and by that I mean continuing to grow what I love. 

What goals have you set for yourself?