Sunday, November 6, 2016

Comparing Candidates: Who Will Be Our Next President

Regardless of your views a new president will be chosen this week. Now if you are like my peers you will agree there are many things that we aren't too happy with these candidates. It's almost like picking who ever isn't worse. I know,I know,that is my opinion. But before you vote really take the time and educate yourself on their beliefs and changes they  want to make. Below are some good easy polls that tell you what each candidate is in favor of!

Winter Farmers' Market Opens Saturday Nov 12th

You don't have to say goodbye to the Westport Farmers' Market. Now you can enjoy their winter one on Saturdays. 

The Panic Room November Deal

I have yet to try this but have friends who have and loved it. It reminds me of a live game of "Clue". If you and your friends like mysterious adventures then check this out!

Turn Back The Clocks Reality...

This changing the clock mess isn't really fun. See young children do not think "oh let me wake up an hour different" they think "oh wow I used to wake up at 5:30 now will wake up at 4:30". No lie!

We have been up since 4:30. So what does a Mom do while trying to convince the kids to not actually get out of bed? Put on their favorite movies while I online shop. I don't actually purchase. I just look up stores I want to pop in over the week. 

Don't laugh you know you do it as well. That "let's see what's on sale online". After 45 minutes you don't want to pay for shipping so you figure you'll stop at the store. 

So Happy Sunday All! I envy those who actually got to benefit from the extra hour of sleep as for me; I am hoping they go to bed an extra hour earlier.