Go Out and Vote!

I wasn't going to vote. I really wasn't. Then it hit me it's a privelage to vote. Women couldn't vote in the past and I am a mom of three girls. I teach them about equality and rights and no gender rules apply to anything in life. I had to do it for them! So I stopped working, left the house in what I was wearing and voted.

Regardless of who you choose, go out and vote!

Companies Offering Perks For Voting Election 2016

Get out and Vote is even encouraged and praised by local stores and companies that are offering perks for wearing your "I Voted" sticker. Check this out and be sure to wear your sticker with pride.

Here Are the Companies Offering Freebies, Discounts to Voters on Election Day

Voting Day!

Today's the day! A new president will be elected. Whether who you choose, I think we all can agree on one thing: we need a CHANGE and hopefully whoever gets chosen can make positive change happen!

Below is a fun article on who celebrities are voting for today and why:
Do you and your favorite celebrity have something in common?

Trump vs. Hillary: Who Are Celebs Voting For?