Sunday, January 1, 2017

It's Started Bad & Ended Worse

I kept thinking maybe it's just life. Maybe the year sucked to teach us all something. Then yesterday my husband's grandfather died. 

He was in the hospital less than a week. It's bittersweet because he was heart broken when his wife died that you think well at least they can now be together. But then you see someone coping with the loss of a parent and grandparent and you see the hurt and pain and it makes you realize how everything truly comes to an end. That we are all here temporary. 

Even though he lived a long life things changed. When he lost his wife he lost a huge part of himself. We all will go one day. You don't live forever. None of us 
do. Try spending it with those that make your heart happy. Try to embrace those who make you feel good and loved. 

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