Monday, January 23, 2017

Let's Give Each Other A Break...This Parenting Stuff Is Rough

It was a long day and finally the last kid up fell alseep I plopped myself on the couch,literally and closed my eyes. Within minutes I hear: Someone just woke up said my husband. "Oh crap" I shouted and ran upstairs.

My youngest was feverish so I brought her into my room and we layed in bed. Before I know it I woke up two hours later. She was super crappy. I gave her medicine and put her back into her room. She asked for me to lay on the floor just then her sister woke up. "God this has got to be a joke" I said to myself. I reassured her sister I was there and she asked me to lay in her bed.

I literally was hanging off her bed to please both children. At this point in the situation you begin to question EVERYTHING and pray to God. 

I mean all crazy stuff was going through my head. My eyes burned from
being up yet again. I knew I would have a full day today with getting three kids out of the house. Making breakfast lunch and dinner. Working and then after school activities and a meeting at school I had to be at tonight, so I just wanted some solid sleep. 

At that moment of praying for everyone to just sleep so I could sleep started to make me a little nutty, I started to think of any pressure I had ever felt from someone about my parenting skills or habits, it all started to come to surface and I was mad. 

Overtired, crabby and mad. Not a good combo. And I recognized it all real
quick. Being able to recognize that being tired was making me mad made it easier to calm down BUT it did make me want to say a couple of things...

Let's stop judging eachother. 
Let's focus on giving people more praise and credit.
If you can't say anything nice then stay quiet and keep your opinion to yourself.  

This parenthood journey is so tough. Truly it is! I don't even know if I got solid sleep last night and now I have to pull it together to get through my day and I know I am
Not alone. I bet most parents of toddlers slept like crap last night and I am sorry ! I wish you a great day and want to reassure you that you're an amazing parent. Even when your eyes burn from lack of sleep and you talk to yourself just to deal with your current situation. I get it. I do. And I have your back!

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