Monday, January 16, 2017

Whale Exhibit At Maritime Center: Such A Fun Morning

What a great opportunity to have this aquarium in our town. It's always so much fun and information. The kids really enjoy seeing the animals and fish and all the interactive games they can play.

Today we were able to go inside a giant 40 foot whale. Inside it showed the whales organs and we learned some history and information on Whales.  Like their teeth are no like typical teeth and they have three stomachs...Yep three! This exhibit is temporary but they do have a ton of other amazing things to see!

Then the girls played with their interactive fish game. They pick a fish, color it, name it and then it swims out onto the big screen. It's so cool to see it come right to life!

Then off course all the fish tanks had some super cute and not so cute fish. My girls went nuts, especially my three year old, when they spotted "Dory"

If you're in town be sure to swing by and check out the Maritime Aquarium. Really worth the trip! 

Was a great morning!

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