Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Where's Your"No Matter What Friend"

I think this is required for everyone at every stage, phase, of life but when I really wanted it was when I became a mother. The reason is because when you think of having a child you just picture this endless happiness no one tells you the other stuff that comes along with it. The restless nights. Being torn between working and staying home. Postpartum depression. Coping with the changes of your body and responsibilities and roles in life. Yeah see you need someone you can turn to who can listen. Respond when you want to hear it or just listen when you want to just vent.

If you don't have this person or group then try to find that person. If you have that person or group be grateful for them. It's amazing how much easier life has been for me to have so many amazing ladies in my life at really all different levels of my life I can call my "no matter what" girls. It wasn't always so easy to have that "no matter what" friend when I became a mom.  I was a young mom so it was more difficult to have someone who I could relate to or welcome me in to give me guidance. I think that is why I am so passionate about helping other moms. Being their "no matter what" helping them see how life can be even when it's not all perfect or when you lost hours of sleep. I feel it's my life passion to really give back since I didn't have that and so yearned for it when I first had a child. 

I am grateful for my "no matter what" life friends. My "no matter what" mommy friends. So no matter what you are dealing with in life take a second and thank those who have helped you and more importantly try to be someone else's "no matter what" friend. To be able to help others really brings rewards into your life. Not material rewards just self gratification rewards. 

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