Saturday, January 21, 2017

Will You Be Marching? Women Equality That's The True Fight

Will you be marching? Why will you be marching?

I am not marching. Not because I don't believe in the cause I am not because let's face it I am on Mommy duty today so watching my kids BUT with that being said I need everyone to think about this. 

We shouldn't March to say Trump shouldn't be president. Let's face it enough Americans voted him in. We SHOULD March to not be degraded. Women we have come so so so far with being able to vote and work and take jobs in corporations and have a choice with abortions and our bodies, not be standing behind our men but beside them and some even infront. 

I know I know what media put out there could be "locker room" talk I mean who hasn't heard men say so much crap and degrading nasty things about women BUT we don't want our leader, our nations voice to have that mentality. He has daughters and a wife and he is now in the public eye to protect us. He's our leader and well let's face it President Trump you catch more bees with honey. Soften up a little bit and we all will be eating out of the Palm of your hand. 

Meantime who ever is Marching today. Do it with class and be safe! Rock On and Cheers To Girl Power!

Marchers and Protestors Know Your Rights: 

Source for picture: Scary Mommy

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